Q-News for 16th April 2023

QNEWS - APRIL 16 2023 - VK4 ON AIR




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SK CALL    SK NAME            DATE                ADVISED BY

VK4ZHL     Errol Hopper        June 2022           (vk4vp)
VK4MBH     Keith Allison       03/06/2022          (vk4vp)
VK4AVF     Des Flor            13/06/2022          (vk4hit)
VK4DV      Merv Deakin         18/06               (vk4cnq - vk4zz)
VK4SO      Les Parker          21/06               (vk4atc)
VK4AJL     George Glendinning  22/06               (vk4zz)
VK4NW      Warwick Marshallsea 14/07               (vk4vp)
VK4ET/5WC  Tony Van Lysdonk    16/07               (vk4vp)
VK4SF      Jack Ford           18/07               vk4hit)
VK4AVS     Jim Storch          22/07               (vk4zz)
VK4AGS     Geoff Strom         23/08               (vk4zz)
VK4HGT     George Turner       02/09               (vk4gcr)
VK4DK      Stanley 'Dave' West 08/09               (vk4zz)
VK4HAJ     Merrell Coleman   Sept or Oct?          (vk4acc)
VK4YT      Nick Watling        22/10               (vk4zz)
VK4HS      Howard Stephenson   06/01/23            (vk4acc)
VK4IX      Ian Creighton       03/02/23            (vk4vp)



 Ipswich & District Radio Club
 Web – www.vk4wip.org.au
 Email - vk4wip@wia.org.au
 For a full list of repeaters - www.vk4wip.org.au

This is Allan VK4HIT with news from Ipswich and District Radio Club.

Congratulations to club member and morning net controller Ron VK4RG and
Joan on 72 years of marriage, having tied the knot in 1951. Ron and Joan
became front page news in Ipswich Local News this week. As the editor said
in his story, they are 95 and 94 with a love that has endured all,
including battles with cancer which they have both taken on and beaten.
Ron continues to be the one constant and familiar voice calling in
stations on the Ipswich repeater network every morning at 8 o’clock since

Another reminder for members who expressed an interest in learning how to
set up and operate the WICEN portable repeater, that Saturday morning
April 22, at 0900Hrs has been set aside for this event. Bob VK4EK will
show how it’s done so that for future events members can start to take
some of the burden off Bob and Sylvia and thus not having to rely on them
100 per cent.

Please attend if you can and contact Robert VK4KHW or Greg VK4GJW beforehand.

Ipswich Wicen is always on the lookout for extra help for events, so if
you can, please email ipswichwicen@gmail.com  The next event is the
Brisbane Trail Marathon on April 30. It’s not too late to offer your

On Monday night May 8 at 1930Hrs, the club will have the pleasure of a
presentation by Scott Watson VK4CZ and Dr Kevin Johnston VK4UH on An
Introduction to Amateur Microwave Activity in SE VK4.

It promises to be a very interesting presentation, helping to dispel a lot
of myths around operating on the microwave bands. Why not roll up and join
in the conversation.

And finally, a warm welcome to Graeme VK4GMC, the newest member of the club.

Reporting from Ipswich this is Allan, VK4HIT.


Hello, I’m Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I’ve been thinking.

One of the our pleasures is having things that we look forward to. There
are many things which spring to the minds of we radio amateurs as they contemplate an event like we might approach a special meal. There is the expectation of aromas and tastes and the pleasure of the company and the mind stimulates the body and the mouth moistens with the thoughts of what is to come. It can be the same for the DXer with conditions rising to the dizzy heights where seemingly no power is required to make contacts with stations never heard before.

On the social scene it takes a little more organisation to get things into
the most advantage. Within the framework of amateur radio we have private and club activities. We see many things happening during contests with both. As a
single person and a group of friends really have the way to a successful activity sorted out in their minds, I will speak about group activities. The regular meetings of an organisation will usually follow a standard form of agenda and set persons will attend to the various tasks that need doing. Then there are the other get-togethers such as field days and publicly available functions.

Not only is there the choice of venue and the logistics of getting the needed items on site but there has to be a soundly prepared set of instructions for
those who will come to the event. Who is responsible for the equipment to be used from seating through to food supply and preparation needs to be sorted. These days social media and email provide very good internal means of communications with members so spreading the word within the group is usually easily done.

When it comes to the events that are open to the public, things become a
little more involved and the promotion needs to be well considered to reach a target audience.
Matters like insurance need to be addressed, approaches to businesses,
vendors and exhibitors need to be done well ahead of the day or days. Once the arrangements have been satisfactorily tied down, then the publicity can be addressed, again remembering who comprises the target audience.

Being derived from a technical pursuit, we would think letting people of
all ages know the when, where and what we have to share becomes a focus. Getting spots on local media who are generally great at featuring local public service announcements is a good place to begin. Having prepared audio and video clips and draft text can smooth the entry in busy news rooms, too. Then there is a benefit of having posters displayed prominently around the area is a good idea as well. Signs that can be mounted along high traffic areas need to be simple and large enough for them to be read as people pass by.

Remember the 3 W’s, the when, where and what of the activity and use these
to frame your messaging. Remember that not everyone is familiar with the local area so precise address locations need to be out front closer to the day and on the day to assist travellers to find you. On the point of getting the message out, remember the WIA news service reaches more people than just those who call in after a broadcast.
There are listeners on podcasts and others using receivers whom we never hear on air. We want them to meet us too, don’t we?

I’m Geoff Emery VK4ZPP and that’s what I think....how about you?

 2023 Social Scene

 Clubs are welcome to submit text with audio for this section

  VK - WIA AGM May 13 at 10:30am AEST Canberra        (vk8zz)
       A hybrid event conducted both in person and by video
       conference and able to be viewed on an internet streaming

 VK4 - SUNFEST - SEPTEMBER 9                                  (vk4an)
       At Mountain Creek State School’s massive air conditioned
       auditorium, just off the Sunshine Motor Way. Mountain Creek
       is tucked in to the west of Mooloolaba

 VK - ALARAMeet2023 4/5 November in HOBART      (luther8@bigpond.com)


 Send SCRIPT to qnews@wia.org.au
 send audio to http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/upload/

 QNEWS Tips to get MORE out of your weekly newscast on VK4WIA

 If you would like to submit club news items for inclusion in
 QNEWS broadcasts, please email your item in text to:-


 THEN submit audio:-

 To submit audio email qnews@wia.org.au and ask for the current
 password then read "how to submit items" in the weekly news page on

 Remember the sooner you submit audio material the more the likelihood
 of it being broadcast in the very next edition QNEWS. Each item will
 only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please
 submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh .‘

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