Q-News for 26th March 2023

QNEWS – MARCH 26 2023 – VK4 ON AIR
 Available in Audio RIGHT NOW  QNEWS RUNS 6.00 and thanks to Tony VK7AX can be found on www.vk7ax.id.au/wianews/
 Also, search QNEWS (make sure it IS the Ham Radio QNEWS) in your podcast.
SK CALL    SK NAME            DATE                ADVISED BY
VK4ZHL     Errol Hopper        June 2022           (vk4vp)
VK4MBH     Keith Allison       03/06/2022          (vk4vp)
VK4AVF     Des Flor            13/06/2022          (vk4hit)
VK4DV      Merv Deakin         18/06               (vk4cnq – vk4zz)
VK4SO      Les Parker          21/06               (vk4atc)
VK4AJL     George Glendinning  22/06               (vk4zz)
VK4NW      Warwick Marshallsea 14/07               (vk4vp)
VK4ET/5WC  Tony Van Lysdonk    16/07               (vk4vp)
VK4SF      Jack Ford           18/07               vk4hit)
VK4AVS     Jim Storch          22/07               (vk4zz)
VK4AGS     Geoff Strom         23/08               (vk4zz)
VK4HGT     George Turner       02/09               (vk4gcr)
VK4DK      Stanley ‘Dave’ West 08/09               (vk4zz)
VK4HAJ     Merrell Coleman   Sept or Oct?          (vk4acc)
VK4YT      Nick Watling        22/10               (vk4zz)
VK4HS      Howard Stephenson   06/01/23            (vk4acc)
VK4IX      Ian Creighton       03/02/23            (vk4vp)
 Ipswich & District Radio Club
 Web – www.vk4wip.org.au
 Email – vk4wip@wia.org.au
 For a full list of repeaters – www.vk4wip.org.au
This is Allan VK4HIT with news from Ipswich and District Radio Club.
Just a reminder for members who expressed an interest in learning how to
set up and operate the WICEN portable repeater, that Saturday morning
April 22, at 0900Hrs, has been set aside for this event. Bob VK4EK will
show how it is all done so that for future events members can start to
take some of the burden off Bob and Sylvia and thus not have to rely on
them 100 per cent.
Please attend if you can and contact Robert VK4KHW or Greg VK4GJW beforehand.
And a reminder Ipswich Wicen is always on the lookout for extra help for
these events, so if you can, please email ipswichwicen@gmail.com
Here’s an item to note on your calendar:
On Monday night May 8 at 1930Hrs, the club will have the pleasure of a
presentation by Scott Watson VK4CZ and Dr Kevin Johnston VK4UH on An
Introduction to Amateur Microwave Activity in SE VK4.
It promises to be a very interesting presentation, helping to dispel a lot
of myths about operating on microwave bands. Why not roll up and join
in the conversation?
Reporting from Ipswich this is Allan, VK4HIT.
Hello, I’m Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, and I’ve been thinking.
It is one of the truisms of life that if you are taught how to handle things that some consider dangerous and you are taught properly, you will use the appropriate caution and methods throughout your life. Whether it is the correct use of power tools, firearms, farm chemicals or electricity, to give a few examples, the lessons that were well given remain as guardians of our health and safety throughout our lives.
My early experiences with building radio gear was when basically batteries were beyond the pocket money of a school student and most appliances were mains powered.
This meant that there was a plentiful source of second-hand parts to be sourced and
put to use by the home experimenter. Learning safety around mains voltages was
greatly aided by the construction articles of the time in publications such as Radio, Television and Hobbies, commonly known as RTV & H, which morphed into Electronics Australia. Then there were the opportunities to learn from people who
worked in the electrical and electronics industries and who volunteered in local groups.
As an aside, two of the editors of 20th-century electronics magazines in Australia
were Max Hull and John Moyle and last weekend saw a large participation in the John Moyle Field Day. If the pictures that I have seen posted of this year’s activities
are an indication it was well enjoyed. Perhaps it has even spurred some audio reports for the weekly news broadcasts. Hint, hint. 
Now in the 21st century, we are involved with solid-state circuitry and the need for
home construction of power supplies using mains power is often negated by the prices that we can buy manufactured units off the shelf. This is perhaps a step on
the road to greater safety.
One area where technology has been evolving is that of electricity storage with many
new combinations of electrode materials coming into battery production.
The current front runner for many applications where the high current draw is required is the lithium-ion device. We will all have heard of the difficulty that the firefighters
have in dealing with fires when things go wrong with lithium-ion batteries.
Houses are being burned down because fires were started by charging e-scooters within the premises. Children sustain burns from connecting phones to chargers and then covering them with bedding and of course, we must mention the electric vehicles named after the father of much of our electric and electronic engineering, the Tesla.
These are notorious for the length of time they can combust after incidents affecting the batteries. 
The ACCC has published a paper looking for solutions to issues around lithium-ion technology in the search for greater safety in their use. This past week saw a press release from the University of NSW Newsroom (UNSW Newsroom 20/3/23, Neil
Martin) which discusses many of these issues and offers some basic advice on improving the safety and use of these batteries. There will be many clubs with tools
powered by these batteries and a fair number of shacks will likewise have drills and
similar providing lightweight and convenience. I don’t even want to think of the
number of tradies with these in their toolboxes!
I suggest we all chase out this paper and pay attention to its early advice.
I’m Geoff Emery VK4ZPP and that’s what I think….how about you?
 2023 Social Scene
 Clubs are welcome to submit text with audio for this section
 VK4 – REDCLIFFE – REDFEST APRIL ONE                         (vk4tfn)
       St. Michael’s College, Caboolture.
  VK – WIA AGM May 13 at 10:30 am AEST proposed for Canberra   (vk8zz)
       A hybrid event conducted both in person and by video conference and able to be viewed on an internet streaming platform.
 VK4 – SUNFEST – SEPTEMBER 9                                  (vk4an)
       At Mountain Creek State School’s massive air-conditioned auditorium, just off the Sunshine Motor Way. Mountain Creek is tucked into the west of Mooloolaba
 VK – ALARAMeet2023 4/5 November in HOBART      (luther8@bigpond.com)
 Send SCRIPT to qnews@wia.org.au and send audio to http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/upload/
 QNEWS Tips to get MORE out of your weekly newscast on VK4WIA
 If you would like to submit club news items for inclusion in QNEWS broadcasts, please email your item in text to:-
 THEN submit audio:-
 To submit the audio email qnews@wia.org.au and ask for the current password then read “how to submit items” on the weekly news page on http://www.wia.org.au/members/broadcast/contribute/
 Remember the sooner you submit audio material the more the likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of QNEWS. Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event ‘fresh .‘

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